To get a gun in India, you must obtain a legal gun license as per the Arms Act formed in 1959. All civilians or Indian citizens who want a legal license gun in India are allowed to obtain only the type of guns called NPB guns or non-prohibited bore. According to the Arms Act, civilians can get a gun license only when they are facing a serious threat to their lives.
It is most advisable to procure a gun as a citizen or civilian from reputed and experienced gun manufacturers such as Geam Guns. These experienced and renowned firearm manufacturers can provide guns made to top-class global standards.
Proving A Life Threat & Getting A Gun LIcense, Salient Points:
- You will need to file an FIR; a first information report to start the process of getting a legal license gun in India.
- The whole process may be lengthy and complicated.
- The initial step involves submitting a proper application by filling out an application form.
- The form can be obtained from the district superintendent of police of the specific state the gun is purchased.
- After going through the application, the police officer will duly check for any past records of dubious criminal activity and also the residential address (authentic or not).
- Police gather a lot of details or info about the person who puts in a gun license application in India.
- Police may ask the neighbors or people in contact with the applicant about the character of that person and his social behavior.
- Authorities will also find out if the applicant is mentally sound and physically healthy.
- The DCP will interview the person who requests a gun license.
- The interviewee is asked as to why he feels the need for a gun, whether in self-defense or protection from any wild animals in a forested area.
Post The Interview With The DCP
After the interview with the DCP, he has to send a report to the National Crime Record Bureau as well as the criminal branch about his opinion and suggestion. Only after the necessary steps are followed, and the DCP is certain about the relevancy of the information, a civilian will get a legal license gun in India.
After getting a valid gun license, the civilian customer can contact a reliable gun dealer like Geam Guns for procurement of the firearm. The customer may have to book an advanced pre-order to purchase the gun from a well-established and licensed shop or manufacturer.
You can find gun license forms online at the official websites of the Indian Ordnance Factory or any other authentic firearms manufacturer and dealer. Specific documents required to get guns are as follows:
- Genuine license with date and other details
- Photocopy of the legal license
- A copy of the no objection certificate if the gun cannot be used all over India
- A transport license of the region or place where the gun manufacturing factory is situated.
- A gun is first given to a retainer, an individual who has the authority to retain the firearm in the absence of the licensee.
- The additional info about the gun retainer along with his passport-size photo and a letter of authority signed by the retainer
General Info About Procuring A Firearm In India
It may take two months or more for an individual to receive a gun in India. The waiting time extends further depending on the manufacturing procedure of a gun manufacturer and dealer. If an Indian civilian wants to renew his legal gun license in India, he can fill in a renewal form. With the form, the customer has to supply additional documents, the original gun license, and documents given at the time of obtaining the license. He may also have to produce the firearm for the renewal.
If the gun license was issued in a different state and it is being renewed in a different state, the license holder has to submit the following documents:
- He has to fill out a re-registration form to the state authority
- He has to attach a copy of the gun license in his possession
- Documents of residential proof should be given
- NOC has to be submitted if the license is not given all-India validity
Basically, the law allows an Indian citizen to own more than a single firearm as per the arms license rule. However, every firearm has to be endorsed separately after getting due permission from the gun license authority in India.
There are many gun manufacturers in India. Geam Guns is one of the leading small arms manufacturers in India, designing the most powerful and efficient firearms for the military and law enforcement segment. The company is also involved in the export of critical components to foreign firearms manufacturers including the European continent and the United States. Geam Guns has earned international recognition with its ability to produce in-house rifle barrels showcasing its technical excellence and precision qualities in firearm production.